Art Reel 2020
Visual Development
This video is a compilation of my works all the way up to October 2020.
It includes some visual developments pieces, character design and some matte paintings.
- Clash Royale Landscaper (Psyop): Character design / Visual Development / prop modeling
- Paddle Pop (Milford studio) : Visual development / matte paintings
- June (Chromosphere) : Character modeling
- Galbusera (Milford studio): Visual development / matte paintings
- Very (Passion Pictures): Visual development / matte paintings
- True View (Feed Me Light): 3d character modeling
- Michelin (Psyop): Visual Development / character modeling
- Gorillaz x G-Shock (Feed Me Light): character modeling
- Chicken Fil-a (Psyop): Visual development / character design / matte paintings
- Out of Focus (Carbon VFX): Character design
- Bright Health (Psyop): Character Design
- Krystexa (Scholar): Character Design / Vis. Dev.
- Krogers (Psyop): Character Design / Vis. Dev
- Clash of Clans (Psyop): Character Design / Vis. Dev.